With rapidly evolving COVID-19 developments, we understand that this is a difficult time for community associations. As such, we are taking each day with a wait and see approach as it is hard to predict what the days and weeks ahead will look like.
While businesses remain open, we recommend that employers follow CDC and WHO guidelines with respect to their employees. This means encouraging employees to wash their hands frequently, making hand sanitizer and other cleaning products readily accessible, and requiring social distancing, to name a few. If an employee is sick, he or she should be sent home and not permitted to return to work until the employee has a doctor’s note clearing them to return.
Employers who have paid leave policies such as sick time, vacation, or other general paid time off, should allow employees to take advantage of this as circumstances may dictate and may consider granting additional leave if necessary especially to encourage sick employees to stay home. If employees have the ability to work remotely, that should also be permitted. For onsite office personnel, boards should limit owner/resident access and ask owners/residents to call or email office personnel instead. Most association business can be conducted through the telephone, computer, or by facsimile.
As the situation progresses, we will continue to update our clients and we remain ready to assist with any specific personnel issues.